ZZ- Sermons #5

Current Series

Survival Skills

Life is hard. There can be seasons in life where it can feel impossible to survive.  In this series, Pastor Jeremy shows us in the Scripture how we can survive what can feel like the impossible. 

Live Sent

In this series Pastor Jeremy takes us through what a believer is called to do.  Every believer is called to "Live Sent"

Out of the Cave

Life is hard. Even the great prophet Elijah struggled with depression and mental oppression. If you are struggling with depression and mental oppression, learn lessons from Elijah about how much God is on your side during these times. 

Lessons From Naaman

In this series we look at the characters in the story of the leper Naaman and learn important life lessons about humility, perseverance and trusting in God.

Generous Living

The Lord loves a cheerful giver.  Join us as we learn how to live a generous life. 

Falling In Love With God Again

All relationships take work.  This series reminds us that we must work at our relationship with God and that it is possible to fall in love with God again. 

Cracks In The Foundation

 What happens when we mix a worldly point of view with the Bible? We end up with Cracks in our foundation.  Just like a house can have cracks in its foundation, so can our faith in Jesus begin to develop cracks.  So that we do not fall during difficult times, it is important that we fill the cracks in our foundation with the Word of God.  
