Our Mission: Here at Faith Community Church our mission is to Love God, Love People, Make Disciples. We do this by Leading unchurched people into a Growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

R.e.a.l. Values

Restoring Lives

We believe in restoring lives through relationships.  A relationship with Jesus Christ restores a person to our Heavenly Father.  Relationships with other believers, through mentoring and small groups, helps us grow in our relationship with God.  

Empowering Believers 

The Holy Spirit's purpose is to empower believers in their everyday walk of faith.  A commitment to discipleship is necessary for a believer to live an empowered life.

Advancing God's Kingdom

Every believer is a minister and commissioned by Jesus to share the Gospel.

Leaving A Godly Legacy

Every generation has value to the body of Christ.  It is important to remember those that have laid the foundation of our faith as well as make sure that we secure a strong conviction in the next generation.  It is every believers responsibility to pass the  baton to the next generation.